
Student Application | GrowPreacher

The vision of the program is to equip and improve the quality of preaching in churches, small groups, and Bible studies.
Program goals: 
• ENCOURAGE the teaching of God's Word with God's heart 
• HELP to understand the big picture of the Scriptures
• FORM a Christ-centered understanding of the Scriptures 
• EQUIP for better study and interpretation of God’s Word (using the principles of hermeneutics) 
• TEACH how to deliver biblical sermons convincingly using the principles of homiletics 
• EDUCATE spiritual leaders of the church who are capable of teaching the church a biblical way of thinking.
Learning process: 
- 4 sessions in 1 year
- 1 session lasts 3 days (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). 
Learning format: 
- Trainings. The teacher explains the principles, students work in groups, performing practical tasks and presenting their findings. 
- Students live together outside the city
- The price of one session is $185-$215
- Payment is made later and separately for each session
- If you have financial difficulties, we will try to help you! 
Session topics: 
- Homiletics
- Exposition of a separate book of the New Testament
- Exposition of a separate book of the Old Testament.
Start of training:
April 26-28

Gateway Seminary
38891 Mission Blvd
Fremont, CA  94536
United States

ATTENTION! If you are unable to attend one of the above sessions, you are required to attend the required session with another group at another time. Join in the collective learning!

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